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 Shanghai EQual Software Co.,Ltd was built in 2004 Shanghai China, we have two big subsidiaries in Guangdong , Wuhan . And 112 distributors are around every city in china . EQual Software is a high-tech company specializing in developing, researching and producing hardware of both indoor and outdoor single color, double color and full color LED screen control system. EQUAL has great band in LED display.  We have lots of successful cases:  Chamtime Corporate in Shanghai ; Ferris wheel in Shenzhen ; Nanning , Guangxi; Keruisi, Qingdao, Shandong province etc. We also have some foreign customers in :Vietnam,  Korea, India, American , Philippines , Pakistan, Arab.

Company Mission: Stable, reliable and High cost-effective

Company Target: Be top brands of LED control system

Company Concept: Create Values , mutual and win-win

Product positioning: commonality, Innovation, leading, stability, High cost-effective,

Competitive strategy: Innovation, stability, quality, price and service

Service concept: Feedback and support timely no matter any where or anytime

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